Wound sediment cartridge 20 50 microns
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Wound sediment cartridge 20" 50 microns

Reference - PR-SWS-2050

Coil sediment cartridge 50 micron

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9.90 €
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Cartridge 20 inch wound anti-sediment to 50 microns for domestic or industrial water.

It filters the mud, sand, rust from a filter holder 20 inch standard.
It serves as a pre-filter 50 microns to retain coarse material before the water is used in a machine.
This cartridge is disposable, single-use.
It is advisable to change the cartridge every 6 months, depending on the turbidity of the water, to ensure the best water quality and increase the lifespan of these cartridges.
It ensures a depth filtration by reducing the pressure loss.

Cartridge with a good quality/price ratio : Special discount when you buy 4 cartridges.

It is suitable for all water: rainwater from wells, home network.
Is used in a filter 20 "door, ie between 508 and 520 mm.
It is suitable for various types of filtration or prefiltration inch standard.
Dimensions :
Inner diameter : 26 mm
Length : 20 "= 508 mm
Outside Diameter : 68 mm
Maximum temperature : 80°C

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