The smooth Puromelt cartridge is made of thermally bonded polypropylene microfibers without any additives.It does not release any material into the filtered water. Its graduated density from the outside to the inside improves efficiency before activated carbon cartridges.
The filter supports a large number of fluids, depending on its density.It retains many suspended matter in water with a turbidity lower than 0.5 NFU: sand, mud, rust, pollen, algae.It is advisable to change the cartridge every 6 months on the city water network, in order to guarantee good water quality, especially for drinking.
Cartridge with good quality / price ratio: Special discount from the purchase of 4 cartridges
It is suitable for all domestic and industrial drinking water: rainwater, well water, municipal water.Can be used in a 20 inch filter holder with a standard bowl and not a Big one.It makes the water clearer before passing through a finer filter or activated carbon.
Application areas :City water pre-filtration, printing sector, industrial reverse osmosis, gas filtration, methanization, source water treatment.
Dimensions :Inner diameter: 26 mm
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