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Pleated cartridge 5 microns 20 inches

Reference - PR-APP-2005

Cartridge 50 centimeters washable 5 microns

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13.50 €
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4 Articles
12.50 €



Washable cartridge pleated 20 inch polyester filter holder drinking water filtration.

It filters out suspended solids in water greater than 5 microns : sediment particles, sand, rust, mud, algae...

It consists of hundred sheets that concertina wash several times to remove the material.
This filter can be used in all filter holder 20-inch or a prefilter RO and ARO ARO-150-200.
5 micron pleated cartridge is mainly used in industry for machines or pumps on strings.


It provides a solution to a wide range of applications, offering the guarantee of the highest level of porosity and optimum filtration efficiency.
It is composed of polyester with specially formulated food components.
It does not release fibers does not get moldy and the contact with water.

Filter material : Polyester quality more
Length : 20 inches
Central rigid PVC frame with perforations
Max temperature : 60°C
pH : 3-11
Type tip DOE (Double Open End = open at each end)


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