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Pleated Polypropylene Cartridge 20 Inches 20 microns Professional
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Pleated Polypropylene Cartridge 20 Inches 20 microns Professional

Reference - AQ-4080160

20 micron high pressure washable cartridge with particles on source and city water

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31.50 €
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High performance 20 inch 20 micron pleated cartridge to treat particulate water.

It is suitable for all types of standard 20-inch filters used in industry and by individuals in the treatment of rainwater, spring or borehole.
Its efficiency greater than 90%, requires regular cleaning to avoid significant clogging. A filtration of 50 or 100 microns may be necessary depending on the quality of the water to be treated.


It has the particularity of being covered with a polypropylene shell to maintain the polyester folds, in order to increase the filtration surface. The folds are fixed on a rigid polypropylene axle thus ensuring stability.
When the water arrives on the pleats of this cartridge, the filtration surface is optimal, as they are attached to the shell, which increases the filtration performance by 30% compared to a conventional washable cartridge.
It is possible to clean the folds of the cartridge through the shell, but thanks to its low cost, it can be replaced, after several washes, when the polyester is too saturated with fat. This results in longer life and greater efficiency than similar cartridges.
Thanks to its compatibility with many chemicals, polyester can be used in specific applications.


Application areas :
Domestic water treatment, industrial machine water filtration, rainwater treatment, source water filtration, water pumps, pre-filtration watering.



Cartridge lenght20 pouces - 508 mm                
Cartridge diameter70 mm               
Filtration level20 micron
Flow max3600 L/H
Pressure working max8 Bar
Efficiency95 %
Temperature max50 °C
Made inITALY


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