20-inch filter cartridge to eliminate bad taste and odor , chlorine in rainwater or industrial network.It also retains the pesticides , insecticides , benzene in water .Necessary to achieve water quality impeccable , bright as crystal.The activated carbon cartridge that is used to filter out impurities with a single or double cleansing . It will hold many different chemicals. Activated carbon is made ​​of natural materials coconut (called Coconut ) to ensure the high quality of drinking water . The fact that this cartridge is block prevents the proliferation of germs and keeping longer its filtering properties.The water passing through the active carbon cartridge runs out of bad taste, odor , insecticides , pesticides, herbicides, chloroformed of Trihalomethanes ...Properties cartridge coal :
This cartridge is essential for removing contaminants from water by adsorption and catalytic reduction is due to a process involving the attraction of negative ions of contaminants by positively charged ions of carbon. Organic compounds are removed by adsorption and residual disinfectants such as chlorine and chloramines are removed by catalytic reduction.The cartridge is also effective in removing heavy metals that is . In addition, activated carbon block filters remove particles around 5 microns, including Giardia and Cryptosporidium , turbidity .It is preferable to use a sediment cartridge to prolong the life of your carbon filter in eliminating gross contaminants that clog the activated carbon and thereby reduce the area available for adsorption.Frequency of cartridge replacement : maximum 90000 liters or one year in office.Dimensions of the cartridge :Length: between 505 and 508 mm (20 inch)Diameter: 135 mmWidth of the inner hole : 25 mm
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