It is used to remove impurities present in water in industry or in the laboratory.The 20-inch high-flow Spun cartridge is made of polypropylene microfibers agglomerated by thermal action without any additives. It does not release matter into the water.Its density graduated from the outside to the inside improves the efficiency of filtration or pre-filtration.It supports a large number of fluids, such as oil, acid, emulsions and syrups.
The filter retains suspended solids in the water greater than 10 microns.The cartridge acts on the turbidity of the water: sand, mud, rust, pollen, algae.
It is advisable to change the cartridge regularly, in order to guarantee good water quality.We offer the entire range of PPS2045 Aquapro cartridges with different degrees of filtration.It is suitable for all domestic and industrial drinking water: water from boreholes, wells, municipal networks.
To be used in a 20-inch Le Big filter holder, i.e. with a jar receiving 508 mm cartridges.
It is suitable for use in a food or medical environment.
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