Cartridge Excellence White MONH2O
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Cartridge Excellence White MONH2O

Reference - MH-EXCPLUS

Cartridge filter for faucet white kitchen MONH2O

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Step 1 : pre-filtration (anti-sédiments. The water begins to pass through a 0.02 micron filter which will retain all particles suspended in the water network (sand, turbidity ...)
Step 2 : The water passes through the natural layer of activated carbon (coconut), which will retain the bad taste (chlorine and other odors, insecticides, persticides, herbicides and other substances harmful to health.
Step 3 : Water, this time in the KDF (copper and zinc) which causes a reduction in oxygen to remove, making irrelevant to sequester heavy metals such as lead, mercury, bromide. ..
Step 4 : The activated carbon containing the silver particles will treat all bacteria and all viruses (hepatitis A).
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