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Sediment cartridge 12 X 2.5 + 1/4 inch

Reference - PR-AIP25Q

In-line filtration of suspended solids in water

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12 X 2.5 INCH SEDIMENT CARTRIDGE : + 1/4 inch Integrated Fittings


1/4 inch tube cartridge that filters sediment in drinking water from a domestic purifier or home osmosis system.

The in-line cartridge retains all suspensions above 5 microns, such as sand, pollen, rust.
It can be installed in a cool water fountain or pre-filter on an aquarium reverse osmosis unit. Its integrated connectors in both ends of the cartridge are adapted to the external 1/4 inch food tube, that is to say 6.35 mm.
Attention, it will not be suitable for a tube of 6 mm.
If you want to make an elbow at one of the extremities, it will be enough to add a fitting ATEU0404 available in our shop e, line.
It is essential for use on aquarium reverse osmosis, so as not to quickly saturate the osmosis membrane of 50 GPD.
We offer this cartridge with or without quick couplings in order to choose it according to the type of installation.


Lifetime: 6000 liters or 1 year
Maximum water temperature: 50 ° C
Usage: Sediment - Prefiltration - Sand
Filtration: 5 microns
Flow rates: high flows and low pressure drops - 1000 to 6000 L/H
Fibers meet FDA and NSF non-migration standards.

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