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Biocera Magnetic and energizing cartridge 12 X 2.5
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Biocera Magnetic and energizing cartridge 12 X 2.5

Reference - PR-D-CERAMAG

In-line bioceramic cartridge for water fountain with fittings

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20.50 €
Warranty  Warranty 1 year
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Fountain or omotor cartridge for energizing the drinking water in order to improve the water balance thanks to the ceramic balls.

This cartridge contains natural beads cooked at a very high temperature, between 700° and 1200° C, which activate the water molecules to provide the human body with anti-oxidant, alkaline and neutralizing harmful elements.
The cartridge fits perfectly to a domestic or community water fountain and can also be installed right after the charcoal cartridge of an osmosis unit.

Far infrared rays (FIR) have a wavelength ranging from 4 microns to 1000 microns. The resonance produced modifies the water molecule by provoking ionization into hydrogen ion and hydroxide ions at a very high speed. This activation of water improves the metabolism of the human body at the cellular level.


Qualities of the cartridge :
- Reduces the acidity level of the water
- Reduces chemicals and toxins in the blood
- Improves oxygen level in the blood


Capacities of the cartridge :

- Amount of liters of use:


Characteristics of the cartridge :
- Length: 12 inches


To be replaced every 6 to 12 months after consumption

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