Reverse osmosis membrane 125 GPD
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Reverse osmosis membrane 125 GPD

Reference - PR-MBAQ-125

Membrane osmosis 125 GPD aquarium or fountain

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Special cartridge for purification by reverse osmosis

This filter removes more than 99% of contaminants in drinking water (nitrates, lead, iron, benzene ...).
Coming from a proven and reliable technology professional for many years for space flight.
The membrane is composed of seven layers of spirally wound, to use a large filter area for an extremely small volume.
It offers a high purity drinking water filtration with a 5 to 0.0001 micron.

The membrane TW1812 100GPD reverse osmosis membrane is composed of the film (polyamide TFC) high quality.
This process provided 125gallons per day or about 380 liters theory.
It removes contaminants that may be present in your municipal water, barium, chromium, mercury, sodium, cadmium, fluoride, nitrite, nitrate, and selenium.
It has the reverse osmosis for drinking water and aquarium.
Flow : 150 gallons (380L)/day
Maximum operating pressure: 42 bar
Maximum temperature of feed water: 45°C
Free chlorine <0.1 ppm
PH range for continuous operation: 3-10
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