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Mobile-Home filtration

Everything you need to know about rainwater filtration in a Tiny-House.



The filtration of drinking water to supply his tiny house must be safe.


More and more people want to settle in a small house on wheels to no longer depend on the annual charges for an apartment. The Tiny-house offers the advantage of being able to move on a trailer and one can live independently for drinking water for the toilet and drink and also electricity. It is possible to get water from a terminal to fill a tank of several liters. Before, you have to go through different filters for impurities and for harmful substances.


Installing a rainwater filtration system with cartridges in a Tiny-House is an effective solution to guarantee the purity of water for domestic use. Rain is considered a clean and free source of water, but it can be contaminated with air pollutants such as soot, fine particles and car exhaust. These pollutants can cause health problems and damage sanitary fixtures if the water is not treated properly.


Why recycle rainwater in a small house?


The main advantage of rainwater is of course that it is free, unlike tap water. You get a lower water bill if you take advantage of rainwater. In many cases, rainwater is an excellent alternative to tap water. This clean water can be used for watering the garden, flushing toilets, washing machine or dishwasher.


The benefits of using a rainwater filtration system.


Rainwater filtration systems use cartridges that trap impurities, particles, pollutants, and bacteria to purify water. There are different types of filter cartridges available, each with different properties to remove specific impurities. Cartridges can be made from synthetic or natural fibers, such as activated carbon or hollow fiber. Depending on the quality of the rainwater and the destination of the filtered water, different combinations of cartridges can be used. We provide concrete solutions to achieve the most suitable filtration for your place of life.

Installing a rainwater filtration system with cartridges is simple and can be done by a professional plumber. It is important to note that the filter cartridges must be replaced regularly to guarantee optimal functioning. Replacement frequency will depend on rainwater quality, family size, and water usage. Cartridges can be replaced every 3-6 months depending on these factors.

By using a rainwater filtration system with cartridges, you can be sure that the water is clean and healthy for your family. It is also an ecological and economical way to collect rainwater for your domestic needs. It is important to stress that it is always recommended to have the water tested before use to ensure that it is safe and safe for human consumption.


  • Saving money: Using rainwater for domestic needs such as garden watering, car washing and toilets can reduce drinking water costs charged by municipalities.
  • Ecology: By using rainwater, you reduce the demand on drinking water resources, which helps preserve freshwater resources and limit environmental impacts.
  • Autonomy: With a rainwater harvesting system, you are less dependent on the municipality's drinking water supply and you can continue to use water for domestic needs even in the event of water cuts or restrictions.
  • Improving Water Quality: Using a rainwater filtration system can improve the quality of water used for household purposes by removing impurities and pollutants. No limestone problem, because it is soft.
  • Climatic role: The use of rainwater makes it possible to limit the evaporation of water from municipal reservoirs, this makes it possible to avoid phenomena of drought and promote flooding.
  • Benefit for the garden: using rainwater to water the garden is beneficial for plants because rainwater is more neutral than tap water which often contains chemicals.


Number of products : 4


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