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Empty drinking water purifier on sink + Carbon 0.5 micron

Reference - PR-ACTBC10

Worktop purifier with 0.5 micron anti-bacterial activated carbon

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79.50 €
Warranty  Warranty 1 year
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Purifier of drinking water on special taste and bacteria sink in the Antilles and Réunion.

The water filter will make it possible to treat municipal drinking water which arrives in the house with a bad taste, an odor of chlorine, a yellowish color due to the origin of the collection water and in addition with problems of bacteria still present. The activated carbon cartridge provided for this filtration will solve problems in Reunion Island where the water collected at the surface is often of poor quality.

He avoids consuming bottled water for drinking and for making tea and coffee.
You can always change the type of cartridge, then, by putting a model that can treat other pollution.
Drinking water must come from the city or from a borehole with an analysis in accordance with the regulations.

Simple, Convenient and Quick to install without making any modifications to your sink. The adapter will screw onto the end of your already installed faucet.
Just put it on the worktop near your sink.


Filtration equipment supplied :
- 1.50 m of white flexible tube
- Assembly wrench for tank
- 1 Pentek CBC-10 0.5 micron activated carbon cartridge
- 1 bypass valve
1/4 inch with pull tab with adapter


Main actionsTaste - Smell - Color - Bacteria                   


Purifier height320 mm                    
Purifier width140 mm                    
Level filtration0.5 micron
Composition cartridgeCharbon actif + média spécial
User temperature4.4 °C à 82 °C
Flow3.8 L/mn
Performance Taste - Smell75700 Litres à 228 L/H
Action bacteriaCryptosporidium Giandia Entamoeba Toxoplasma
CertificationsNSF - FDA


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